Reduce Building Water Consumption up to 25% with t...

The average U.S. building over 200,000 square feet consumed 7.9 million gallons of water (about 30,000 m3) in 2012 (Energy Information Agency). A Watergater flow control valve could save this average building $15,000, annually.

What is the Efficiate Utility Information System?

The Efficiate Utility Information System (UIS) is a web app that collects, organizes, and analyzes commercial and industrial building energy and water data. The interactive dashboard presents building use and cost data for a portfolio of buildings and analyzes it

Echo State Neural Networks for Building Energy Con...

Accurately predicting a building’s future energy usage by learning from history is useful when managing building energy use, preparing budgets, or when measuring and verifying the results of a pursued energy efficiency measure.

Gradient Boosted Machines for Predicting Commercia...

What if building energy use could be accurately predicted using machine learning without previous knowledge of a building's energy use?

Next Generation Search Engines for Building Operat...

What if AI could parse about recommended retrofits to improve building energy efficiency for building owners and operators directly and provide pragmatic, accurate advice on projects to implement, removing energy efficiency experts (and the associated cost) from the equation.

Ontario Regulation 506/18: Reporting of Energy Con...

Under Ontario Regulation 506/18, privately-owned buildings in Ontario over 50,000 square feet need to report energy and water use every year to the Government of Ontario.